Wednesday, November 19, 2008

October #5 - 14

Title: 14

Author: JT Ellison

Publisher: Mira Books

Copyright: 2008

ISBN: 978-0-7783-2556-7

Series or stand-alone: #2

Setting: Nashville, TN

1st Sentence:

Would the bastard ever call?


Back in the mid-1980s, the Snow White Killer was active killing young women with ebony hair and painting their lips ruby red. He killed ten and then stopped. Now, twenty years later and more bodies are turning up bearing his signature and homicide LT. Taylor Jackson and her crew are on the case. Something doesn't add up though, and that could make this one even worse, for everybody involved.

Once again, strong women and good storytelling. How can you possibly go wrong with a combination like that?!? I liked ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS and I liked this one as well. The worst part for me will be waiting for the next book, JUDAS KISS.

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