Title: A bad day for sorry
Author: Sophie Littlefield
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Copyright: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-312-55920-5
Series or stand-alone: #1
Setting: Prosper, MO
1st Sentence:
Whuppin' ass wasn't so hard, Stella Hardesty thought as she took aim with the little Raven .25 she took off a cheating son-of-a-bitch in Kansas City last month.
What was hard was making sure it stayed whupped.
Especially on a day when it hit a hundred degrees before noon. And you were having hot flashes. And today's quote on your Calendar for Women who Do Too Much read Find serenity in unexpected places.
"Fuck serenity," Stella said. And she shot the trailer.
I had to write the author and ask for permission to post the entire prologue because that was really what made me fall in love with Stella Hardesty; that was all I had to read to know I would continue on with this book and then this series. Stella rocks. She helps abusive men see the error of their ways, by whatever means necessary. Stella is definitely NOT your typical character, both in her 50s and menopause (a deadly combo), but I think that is what endeared her to me so much. Well, that and her side profession. Gee, I wish I could have her job.