Title: Sucks to be me: The all-true confessions of Mina Hamilton, teen vampire (maybe)
Author: Kimberly Pauley
Publisher: Mirrorstone Books
Copyright: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7869-5028-7
Series or stand-alone: Stand-alone as far as I know
Setting: Mina Hamilton's house and neighborhood
1st Sentence:
My parents are trying to ruin my life.
This is another teen vampire book but cute and quirky. Mina's parents and uncle are vampires and her existence has just been discovered. Now, she must decide whether to turn or stay a mortal. Tough gig when you're only 16! She'd rather think about hot guys and prom, but she has to take classes to help her make the decision that is best for her, and she can't tell her best friend anything on top of it all! It's a good story with myths about vampires at the top of each new chapter and her take on it. This was a really cute coming of age story with the vampire theme.
1 comment:
Glad you liked it!
I'm more of a first paragraph girl myself, but first lines are fun. :-)
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