Friday, November 27, 2009


Title: The time traveler's wife

Author: Audrey Niffenegger

Publisher: Harcourt Books

Copyright: 2003

ISBN: 978-0-15-602943-8

Series or stand-alone: Stand-alone

Setting: Chicago, IL (Lincoln Park)

1st Sentence:

It's hard being left behind.


I had great reservations about this book because it was so long and different from what I typically read. However, I enjoyed it very much and it quickly was added as one of my top 5 favorite reads of 2009.

Henry is a chrono-displaced person - he time travels. He is also a librarian at the Newberry Library. He's been time traveling since he was a child - usually going back in time. During his travels he met Clare and theirs became a love story of great proportions.

I was reading this book while experiencing my first meetings with my newly found brother and so it took me quite a while to finish because I really had to focus on the time jumps that Henry made.

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