I am a RENThead! There is no denying it!
And I am so excited about RENT coming to the big screen that I am forgoing my first sentence of today to let everyone who looks at my blog know that this astonishing Broadway musical is coming to theaters on November 11th (to the big cities) and November 23rd EVERYWHERE!
AAAAHHHHHHH! (This is me screaming for joy!)
If your life has ever been touched by a single soul I implore you to go see this movie, especially if you've never seen the show or don't have access to it.
I live smack dab in the middle of the heartland (Iowa) and I've seen this show seven times.
I've even considered having some of the words to one of the songs tattooed onto my body because it is how I live my life since seeing the show.
OK, I've taken a breath and I will go back to the book d'jour. See you soon.