Saturday, April 22, 2006

How much is that kidney in the window?

As I posted a few posts back, I've been on a medical thriller kick lately.

This book may have stopped my run.

This week's read was ISOLATION WARD by Joshua Spanogle (Bantam Dell, c2006, ISBN 0-385-33853-8). I liked the main character, Dr. Nate McCormick with the CDC and his dry humor, oftentimes getting him into trouble. I liked the relationship he had with all of the supporting characters whether it was his buddy at the CDC, or his ex-girlfriend. The pacing was enough to keep me reading but there were some issues that had me looking towards the next book in my TBR pile.
For example, I constantly found myself looking for a Merck manual, a copy of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body or a computer to hop on PubMed just to understand what was going on most of the time. Xenotransplantation and porcine PERVs. A stinker of a first sentence. And my least favorite thing: first person.

The first sentence:

This is how it started.

Despite all of these, it was an okay first novel and I'll take a look at his second. I just don't know if I'll read it yet.

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