Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sharp as a tack

Janet Evanovich's newest book, 12 SHARP (St. Martin's Press, c2006, ISBN 978-01-312-34948-6) starts out innocently enough:

When I was twelve years old I accidently substituted salt for sugar in a cake recipe.

In this, the twelth installment of the Stephanie Plum series, havoc is happening everywhere in the Burg (just a stone's throw from Trenton, New Jersey).

Someone is posing as Ranger and wants to fill his shoes. His daughter has been kidnapped and the hunt is on. Stephanie is still battling her heart and loins over the two men in her life and things aren't looking good but they sure are feeling good. Lulu joins a band with Sally Sweet and it's chaos. Stiva's funeral home was bought by two unsuspecting individuals who have no idea what they're in for and grandma, as usual is up to no good. Joyce Bernhardt is back and a new guy, Melvin Pickles, the perv, is introduced.

Ahh, to have Stephanie's life. This was your typical Evanovich romp and now I've got to wait another year for 13.

It just isn't fair!

For those of you who read the series, out of curiosity are you a 'Ranger Babe' or 'Morelli Girl'?

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