Friday, November 23, 2007

I am legend

In preparation for the release of the movie, I read I AM LEGEND by Richard Matheson (Tor, c1995, ISBN 0-7653-5715-1).
The main character, Robert Neville, is living alone in Compton (driving distance from Santa Monica and the Los Angeles Public Library) starting in January of 1976. Everyone around him is dead -- or undead, and he's just trying to survive -- and hoping to find someone else like himself.
The story starts:

On those cloudy days, Robert Neville was never sure when the sunset came, and sometimes they were in the streets before he could get back.

The didn't find this short story, which was written in 1954, to be too dated. I did however, find the movie tie-in to be a bit of a stretch since in the story, Neville is a white man with blond hair and blue eyes and the movies stars Will Smith. That will take a whole lot of suspension of disbelief but I'll manage cuz I like me a vampire movie.
The version that I read also contained the short stories BURIED TALENTS, THE NEAR DEPARTED, PREY, WITCH WAR, DANCE OF THE DEAD, DRESS OF WHITE SILK, MAD HOUSE, THE FUNERAL, FROM SHADOWED PLACES, and PERSON TO PERSON. All stories had a horror or supernatural bent to them and I enjoyed them all.

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