Title: Blood Ties Book Four: All Soul's Night
Author: Jennifer Armintrout
Publisher: Mira
Copyright: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7783-2537-6
Series or stand-alone: #4
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Setting: Grand Rapids, MI
1st Sentence:
Some days, I dream of the time that I spent in Marianne's soul.
Surlygirl's Quick Comments:
This was the final book of the Blood Ties series and I have to admit that I liked it much better than #2 and #3 but I still liked the first book the best. I won't write much because there are a lot of things that could be classified as spoilers, but I will say that if you are a fan of authors like Kelley Armstrong, Charlaine Harris, Mary Janice Davidson and others who write vampire books, these should not be missed. Another thing that I really liked was that the ending of the book does leave it open to continue the story if Armintrout so desires. I've read reviews where the reviewer hated the ending but I found it to be satisfying and complete with just a little out for continuation. I hope there is more but if there is not, I am content.
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