Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Title: Neighborhood watch

Author: Cammie McGovern

Publisher: Viking

Copyright: 2010

ISBN: 978-0-670-02203-8

Type of book: Suspense

Setting: Milford, CT

1st Sentence:
Violence in the suburbs is not accompanied by the sounds we associate it within the cities.
Comments: Betsy Treading is released after serving twelve years in prison for murder. DNA proved she didn't do it. Freedom, however, is a harsh reality for her. Although exonerated, she is not completely trusted, so she sets out to solve the case and find the real killer.

Why I chose this book: Because Betsy was a librarian.

Why I read it to the end: It held my attention to the end. I found it quick paced and I would certainly look for other books by this author.

My rating: 3.75/5

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