Saturday, September 1, 2012

November 2010 #1 - PRETTY LITTLE THINGS


Author: Jilliane Hoffman

Publisher: Vanguard Press

Copyright: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-59315-607-7

Setting: Miami, Florida

1st Sentence:
A small, portly man in a white suit, deep purple shirt, and patent slip-ons ran around the stage with a microphone in hand, reaching out to touch any one of the hundreds of sweaty palms that waved back and forth before him in the Unity Tree of Everlasting Evangelical Life church auditorium.

Why I chose this book: Hoffman's book RETRIBUTION is one of my all time favorite thrillers. I vowed to read everything she ever wrote.

Why I read it to the end: Although in my opinion it wasn't as good as RETRIBUTION, it was still an excellent read. Internet predators are scary beings and this book has a strong focus on them.

My rating: 4.75/5

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